Radius is a social service initiative managed by students. In line with LIBA’s commitment to values and ethics, it aims at bringing about a positive change in society by leveraging management skills and techniques imbibed at the institute. The club plans to undertake a wide range of activities, which include promoting social entrepreneurship, marketing, retailing products manufactured by SHGs, self-employment workshops, helping NGOs with fund raising and business consultancy, etc.


Launched in 2009, Radius is a social service initiative managed by students. In line with LIBA’s commitment to values and ethics, it aims at bringing about a positive change in society by leveraging management skills and techniques imbibed at the institute. The club plans to undertake a wide range of activities, which include promoting social entrepreneurship, marketing, retailing products manufactured by SHGs, self-employment workshops, helping NGOs with fund raising and business consultancy, etc.

A Blessed Visit

It was a pleasant Sunday evening and for most of us it was the first radius visit. A novice to radius asked, “What are we going to do by this visit?” A veteran of radius answered,” We will do something to make them happy”. I felt she defined the purpose of radius in one sentence. We wore a clueless look in eyes and a bouncing excitement in the heart. Our senses were filled with peace. A tranquil bliss floating around us, along with the gentle breeze. We visited Mercy home in Kilpauk which is an old age home. It is inside the church campus in a calm environment.
The sisters who are managing the home welcomed us with their warm smiles and blessings. We entered the clean ward, which was allocated for old deserted women. By seeing us all entering together, the people on beds, threw a penetrating gaze towards us which reached our hearts and froze us for a moment. Then we brought us back to the moment and smiled at them. We walked through the beds and started talking to them. We saw one woman who lost her legs, doing embroidery with a thanking note to gift someone. She is the angel who had the wings of art to fly, in lieu of depending on her legs to walk.
The words, “how are you” brought joy and happiness to their hearts. When we distributed the biscuit packets, some of them opened the packs and tried sharing the biscuits with us, which really made us think about the lives we are living.
We put ourselves in an active listening mode. They started sharing with us their life experiences and they are satisfied and thankful for their lives. One old grandma asked,” how is my new hairstyle?” with the mischievous smile. The beauty of that broken angel is beyond words. We visited the dining hall, to meet male inmates of Mercy home. Our presence made them relive their past through memories. When we sang and danced, they too joined us spontaneously. One of them started dancing and requested us to sing his favourite songs. When we started to leave, they all blessed each one of us and wished us a good future. They bid us goodbye along with the invitation to come back and visit them again whenever possible.

“Give everything you possibly can to help others, and then give some more.
You have the power to positively affect millions of people, don’t wait another moment.”

Gifted 300ml of Life

The Radius Society of LIBA in partnership with the Adyar Cancer Institute organized blood donation camp, 2016 at the LIBA campus on 20th July,2016. A team of 10 members, including a doctor from the Adyar Cancer Institute reached LIBA. People exhibited great interest in donating blood, that they came and checking willingly. After they filled the form with their basic details and acceptance to donate blood, their Hemoglobin level and Blood pressure were checked. Then, with the consultation and approval of doctor they were allowed to donate blood. Overall 111 donors from students of Loyola College and LIBA including staff and alumni donated their precious 300ml blood.
Most of the people are first time donors who came up with many queries and more willingness. Some of the people who have already donated blood, encouraged others also to come forward to donate blood. Thus, motivation and awareness spread among everyone in the campus.People those who have Trypanophobia and blood phobia overcame their fear to contribute to the noble act. While donating, when they were bricked to put the needle in vein, some friends smiled through pain with great satisfaction. There are no words to describe happiness and fulfillment in the faces when they won the fear and came to know their stamina in standing for great purposes.
The happiness and the pride in the eyes of the students after they get up from blood donation, is beyond the honor receiving other privileges. They were glad that they gave.The medical team was very friendly that each donor received a special attention and great care. After the donation of blood, they were provided with juice, apple, biscuits for refreshment. The donors were appreciated with the certificates. The end timing got extended till 6pm. The mission accomplished successfully with the support of LIBA administration. In the name of LIBA Radius, We thank the Adyar Cancer Institute medical team, Dr.Victor Louis Anthuvan and all the donors and participants. The measure of life, after all, is not it’s duration. But it’s donation!

Joy of Giving

The Joy of Giving week is organized by the Radius club of LIBA from 31st October, 2016 to 5th November, 2016. The LIBA students and staff contributed wholeheartedly with time, money and talents. As a part of celebration, student volunteers engaged themselves with the visit to Little Sisters’ Home which is taking care of elderly people, Mithra home which caters to the relief and rehabilitation needs of children and young persons with physical and mental disabilities, CMS Boys Home, Little flower school for dumb and deaf and Vasantham home. They all invited for the valedictory function scheduled on 5th November,2016 at LIBA Auditorium.
The Radius Club of LIBA, donated medical equipment, groceries and useful gifts during their visit. The visits were meaningful by the conversations with elder people, Knowledge sharing sessions with students, entertainment and talent sharing with mentally and physically challenged people.
The final day celebration started in LIBA at 6 pm on 5th November, 2016. The invited people gathered in the auditorium. The chief guests Mr. Daniel Jacob, GM-HR of EC Group Datasoft Pvt. Ltd, Prof.Muralidharan from Vivekanandha College, Motivational Speaker Mr. Vidhyasagar and Humour Club member Mr. Sekar provided their valuable presence and shared their thoughts with the gathering. The orchestra by the students of St. Louis school was mind blowing. The dances and songs were enjoyed and appreciated. With the delicious dinner, the celebration of Joy of Giving came to an end with great sense of satisfaction.
“The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of life is to give it away”– Joy J Golliver