Espire, the entrepreneurship cell of LIBA aims at promoting and encouraging entrepreneurship among students. It acts as a catalyst that promotes conversion of potential ideas into practical business solutions and allows healthy sharing of ideas.


Espire, the entrepreneurship cell of LIBA aims at promoting and encouraging entrepreneurship among students. It acts as a catalyst that promotes conversion of potential ideas into practical business solutions and allows healthy sharing of ideas.

Club Activities

  • Entrepreneurship Educator Program Workshop

The workshop conducted by Wadhwani Foundation established the National Entrepreneurship Network (NEN), with emphasis on entrepreneurship. An entrepreneurship educator program was conducted at Loyola Institute of Business Administration targeting the faculties of various Business Schools and Engineering colleges in and around Chennai. The objectives of the program was :

  • Explain the need for entrepreneurship education in today’s world, and especially in India.
  • Understand why experiential learning principles must be applied in teaching entrepreneurship.
  • Develop a basic understanding of Entrepreneurship concepts, such as idea generation, opportunity evaluation, business model and business plan.
  • Understand the concept of facilitated blended learning.
  • Appreciate your role as Entrepreneurship educators.
  • Learn about the content, objectives and delivery of goals under orientation program in Entrepreneurship.
  • Be equipped to run effective class discussions and team activities.

The Educator program extended for 3 days and the sessions were handled by     Ms. Radhika Meenakshi Shankar, Founder of Wise Owl Consulting. She has more than 20 years of teaching experience in entrepreneurship, finance and commerce. She is also a certified mentor under the Goldman Sachs 10,000 women program held in partnership with the London School of Business and NEN.

  • Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp

The Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Government of Tamil Nadu partnered with Loyola Institute of Business Administration and conducted it’s Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp on 9th July, 2016. Espire, the Entrepreneurship Cell of LIBA cordially invited the organizers and all the participants of the event.

The Principal Secretary/Director, Mr. K. Rajaram IAS laid the first stone by addressing the aspiring entrepreneurs and explaining the competencies that are required to be a successful entrepreneur. The Zonal Additional Director,                    Mr. Ramachandran enlightened the gathering by speaking on various business opportunities for a budding entrepreneur. The Deputy Director, Dr. E. Baskaran elucidated the importance of selecting a project by aptly matching the idea they have in their mind with the right opportunity to turn it into a profitable venture. The Training Coordinator, Mr. R. V. Subramaniam elaborately explained the processes involved in starting a business and also the government schemes that are available to encourage entrepreneurship. He also shed light on the financial help extended by government banks and ways to raise funds from several financial institutions.

Dr. Siluvai Raja, Faculty Member, Informatics Centre, LIBA made known the activities conducted by the E-Cell of LIBA and also highlighted the importance of leveraging technology to our advantage in the business ventures. The program created awareness to each and every participant and also instilled great confidence in them to pursue their dream of starting their own venture.

  • Espire Breakfree

Breakfree is a 2 day event in which students are given a chance to replicate a real world market place. Stalls were set up in between the breaks and after class hours which sell a variety of items like that of food, handmade cards and also acts as a platform to showcase their talent or hobbies and experiment them and learn how that could be turned into a potential business.

  • My story session -Kern Agarwal

Mr. Kern Agrawal, a 2013 batch student of LIBA and founder of the firm ‘The Urban Farmers’ gave a wonderful insight about his entrepreneurial venture into organic farming. We had an interactive session about how his life at LIBA helped him to grow as an entrepreneur and how the management of LIBA encouraged his idea on Organic farming by initially allowing him to set up his organic field in LIBA. The story session by Mr. Kern Agarwal motivated all the budding entrepreneurs who attended the session to come up with new and innovative ideas. Mr. Kern Agarwal’s gut feeling to put his career and financial security at stake to  follow his dream, spending time and capital on his dream venture showed what real risk taking means for an entrepreneur and how far it will take oneself.

ESPIRE Club Coordinators

Official mail-ID:

Dinesh Ignatius .I