
Admissions and PR committee of LIBA

Admissions and PR committee of LIBA

The College admission process is all about getting the right fit and it involves crucial decision making by considering many elements. By understanding this completely, the admissions committee of LIBA coordinates with people in all the ways, from the announcements of entrance exams, till their first day in LIBA. With full responsibility, the committee handles all the queries that the candidates put through various platforms, during the process of selection.

“A good reputation is more valuable than money”

The PR committee of LIBA acts as a liaison, and introduces LIBA and its aspects to the world. The PR committee brings all the events and outstanding activities from the clubs of LIBA, to the knowledge of the public.

“Connect is the fire, social media is the gasoline”

PR Committee of LIBA manages the official Social media sites of the institution, like Facebook, LinkedIn. Twitter, etc., which play a crucial role in representing LIBA. The committee faces the queries from outside with transparency and accuracy.
The PR committee of LIBA, connects the eager young minds of tomorrow from various B schools and multiple business environments to join hands for the future realm. It encourages budding managers of LIBA to explore the opportunities by providing enormous support and motivation. The Activities and Events organized and conducted by LIBA are promoted through the PR committee of LIBA.
By helping people to achieve their dreams, the Admissions and PR committee of LIBA accomplishes its primary purpose.