The Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at LIBA was established in 2006. Since its inception the Centre has been promoting executive learning, research and consultancy in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. The Centre provides an environment for facilitating fresh Logistics and Supply Chain Management practices based on new learnings and new knowledge acquired.


The Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management at LIBA shall conduct programmes in handling of critical supply network issues among professionals in Manufacturing, Service and IT industries.


  • To promote understanding of nuances of logistics and supply chain management
  • To provide skillful training to executives on tools and techniques for better management decisions
  • To foster research, provide consultancy and impact policies contributing to effective practices in the profession.

Thought Leadership Program – Demystifying GST

  A very enlightening thought leadership program aimed at ‘demystifying GST’ and understanding the ‘post implementation impacts of GST on the logistics sector’ was organized at LIBA. The event held on 21st October, 2017 was hosted by the Centre for Logistics …


The Centre designs and delivers the following focused Executive Learning Programmes for corporate executives, entrepreneurs and freshers.
The courses cover the following aspects of SCM:

  • Understanding the supply chain conceptual framework
  • Developing analytical tools for measuring effectiveness of Supply Chain
  • Understanding in depth various facets of logistics and supply chain management
  • Familiarizing with adoption of technology and role of e-commerce for enabling efficient supply network.

Currently the following courses are offered:

  • One-year Executive Diploma Programme in Supply Chain Analytics and Management.
  • One-year Diploma Programme, in association with Management Development Centre
    (MDC), for Executives of TVS Logistics Services.


Thought Leadership Programme series provides an opportunity for professionals from Logistics and Supply Chain industry to share knowledge, skills and network. Experts and senior professionals share the best practices, current trends and new developments in Logistics and SCM. Dr.R.Arunachalam, Senior Vice President, ProConnect Supply Chain Solutions spoke on ‘GST and its Ramifications for Logistics Sector’.


This Conclave, an annual business event is an initiative to ignite young minds about the business world by eminent industry experts. The theme of this conclave was “Logistics in the Digital Era”.


The Centre collaborated with the University of Bath, U.K and ALTIS, University of Catholica, Milan, Italy in an international research project on Ethical Supply Management. The Centre collaborated with ALTIS in a research project on waste recycling supply chain management. Scholarships are available for Ph.D. program (University of Madras) offered by LIBA for candidates wanting to pursue their full time research in area of Supply Chain Management.


  • Waste recycling supply Chains-Models and policy investigations
  • Shortage of Truck Drivers and Profession-Social issues and impact on Industry


  • Distribution Network design and implementation for IFF (2009)
  • Preparation od District Human Development Report for Chennai Corporation(2014-16)


The Centre proposes to bring out a newsletter to share the best practices, knowledge and happenings in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
The various research activities of the centre has resulted in many publications:

  • “Ethical Supply Chain Management in India: An Empirical Study”, N. Chandrasekaran, M. Ramasubramaniam, Rev.Fr.M.P.Christie, S.J, & Rev. Fr. Paul Fernandes, Shroff Publishers.(2012)
  • Agribusiness Supply Chain Management by Dr.N.Chandrasekaran and Dr.Raghuram, CRC Press, 2014 (Taylor & Francis)


  • P., Incentive Modelling in Reverse Supply Chain Network of Indian Automotive Battery Industry: A System Dynamics Approach, (2015), IIMS Journal of Management Science, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 24-41
  • P., Optimization of Inventory for Two Level Multiple Retailers-Single Manufacturer Reverse Supply Chain, (2014) Operations and Supply Chain Management 7 (1), 32-37
  • Chandrasekaran, M. Ramasubramaniam., “Responsible Procurement in India: Some Perspectives”, Management Matters, Vol.1, Issue 13, 31-34, 2010.


  • Chandrasekaran, M. Ramasubramaniam, “AligningSupply Chain of Sweet Corn Processor For Growth”, CASE Reference no. 615-047-1, The Case Centre, UK. 2015.
  • Mathirajan, , Ravindra Gokhale, and M. Ramasubramaniam. “Modeling of Scheduling Batch Processor in Discrete Parts Manufacturing.” Supply Chain Strategies, Issues and Models. Springer London, 2014. 153-192.
  • Waste to wealth-A distant dream? Challenges in the Waste disposal supply chain in Bangalore , India, Case-26, M.Ramasubramaniam and P.Chandiran,
  • The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM, Chuck Munson (ed.), FT Press: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2013, edited by Chuck Munson, Ph.D.
  • Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management-Bozarth and Handfield, International 3rd Edition –Contributions by P.Chandiran, International edition, Pearson, 2013


  • Waste to Wealth-A distant dream, Challenges in the Waste disposal supply chain in Bangalore , India,
  • Autoflex industries -a tale of 4 cities
  • Cell Tech Technologies
  • Amit battery industries
  • Category management at Bharat Retail


  • “Solid waste recovery supply chain networks – Structure and Operations” at the 2012
    POMS Annual Conference. April 20 to April 23, 2012, at the Chicago Marriot Downtown Magnificient Mile, Chicago, U.S.A.(P.Chandiran and M.Ramasubramaniam,LIBA)
  • “Managing a Supply Chain with Joint Replenishment, Channel Coordination,
    Deteriorating items, Exponential Demand” at the 2012 POMS Annual Conference. April 20 to April 23, 2012, at the Chicago Marriot Downtown Magnificient Mile, Chicago, U.S.A. (P.Chandiran and M.Ramasubramaniam)
  • Ramasubramaniam, M., and M. Mathirajan. “A Mathematical Model for Scheduling a
    Batch Processing Machine with Multiple Incompatible Job Families, Non-identical Job dimensions, Non-identical Job sizes, Non-agreeable release times and due dates.” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 46. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2013.
  • N. Chandrasekaran, M. Ramasubramaniam., “Enabling supply chain efficiencies through technology and process integration: A framework”, POMS 2012 Annual Conference, Chicago, 2012.


  • To publish Concept papers &Working Papers
  • To structure and deliver a one-year executive post graduate diploma programme in supply chain management
  • To organise public lectures, symposia, workshops and discussions on relevant topics of current importance.
  • To encourage Ph.D aspirants to do research in the domain.
  • To undertake publications-monographs, journal articles, books and case studies.
  • To support research and case writing on issues relating to logistics and supply chain management.
  • To facilitate dialogue between business leaders and academicians.
  • To function as the Resource Centre on Logistics and Supply Chain Management.



Associate Professor of Operations Management and Supply Chain Management
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Associate Professor of Operations Management at LIBA
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LIBA CoE for Logistics and SCM

Loyola Institute of Business Administration
Loyola College,
Chennai – 600 034,
Phone: (0 44) 28177100
Fax: (044) 28173183