

The Faculty Lounge at LIBA functions as a place of professional development. Furnished with comfortable furniture, conference table and chairs, and the obligatory coffee-making equipment. The faculty lounge is where our faculty share insights and observations, conduct small and large informal group discussions, lend support, collaborate, brainstorm, share curriculum ideas and voice out their opinions.

Faculty of LIBA everyday come together for a coffee in the morning. The Director, views this coming together as moment of grace for the institute. For it builds bonds between the faculty fraternity. In this coffee time, faculty’s birthdays are celebrated with a brief prayer followed by singing.


LIBA faculty with Reserach Associates had a luncheon in Gymkhana on 1st October. Fr Joe Arun, SJ Director shared his intent for the luncheon: “more we come together the better we become. Every celebration develops bonding that unites in our collective resolve to form our students to become responsible leaders.”


Before closing the academic year 2021-22, LIBA organized its customary three-day Faculty Retreat for Faculty, Research Associates (RA’s), Teaching Assistants (TA’s) on 26th- 28th April, at Esthells, Chennai. Prof. P.C. Lakshmi Narayanan, Dean-Academics, welcomed the gathering and presented the agenda of the retreat. Rev. Fr. C. Joe Arun, Director-LIBA, led the gathering through the prayer for disposition and shared the perspectives of the Faculty Retreat 2022. He also envisioned that LIBA must build its capacities to become tech talented and be able to think and act differently for which diversity, equity, and inclusion are strategic necessities. Fr. Director set the perspective for the academic year 2022-23 as “Collaboration” which would be the energy that would drive everyone forward in LIBA and said that this act of discernment in academic areas will pervade team spirit and collaboration. The Retreat helped to review the implementation of plan made at the last year’s retreat and gain a reorientation for the coming academic year for which goals and action plans were evolved at all levels of teaching-learning-assessment, and at the level of Centres of Excellence.


Faculty of LIBA everyday come together for a coffee in the morning. Fr Joe Arun SJ, Director, views this coming together as moment of grace for the institute. For it builds bonds between faculty and increases faculty fraternity. In this coffee time, faculty’s birthdays are celebrated with a brief prayer followed by singing.