The Organogram of the Student Activities Council (SAC)

We at LIBA encourage the students to participate in the election process whether it be as a candidate or voter as it provides a platform to develop leadership qualities. The SAC elections provide an opportunity to the students to witness and exercise their fundamental right to vote. Elections to all posts in the Student Activities Council, shall be conducted by the Student Election Officer, Prof. P. Chandiran and the entire polling process follows a democratic and anonymous process.

Academic and Non-Academic Clubs of LIBA add skills to the student’s repertoire. Through the clubs’ students develop their soft skills and learn to communicate effectively to individuals and to groups. As they take on club responsibilities, you will also improve your team-building and leadership skills. Students learn what their strengths are, such as multitasking, organizational ability, and service-mindedness.

Academic Clubs under SAC

The Academic clubs are student driven clubs where students take part in various activities that enhances their knowledge on their specialization. Each club conducts various events revolving around their respective specialization. This gives a hands-on experience and exposure to the actual field for students.

MARKIT-Marketing Club

Arista-Operations Club

Finesse - Finance Club

Le Vox Populi - HR Club

K-scope -Business Analytics Club

Co-Academic Clubs under SAC

Apart from education LIBA firmly believes in building the character of students. The co-academic clubs focus on building the interpersonal skills, exploring other interests of students and most importantly teaches empathy and humanity. It moulds the character of a student.
The following are the Co-academic clubs: